Her home breeds violence
Her lips, produce no words
Her skin, like a map of scars
Her body, defiled daily
Her heart, broken into pieces
Her soul, yearns for peace.
Her mother says, “Hush”
Her sister looks the other way
The Older women says, “Hush”
Their Husbands look the other way
Her soul yearns for peace.

She spoke up today
In a class full of mocking
She spoke up today
With teachers mumbling and pointing
She spoke up today but danger looms
Her soul yearns for peace

Opening the door was like a portal to hell
The sun setting happily
While her heart drops heavily
Pinned against the rough, hard concrete wall
With no escape, her mind shouts “Stop!”
The scream of pain spur up the strength.
Her soul fights for peace

Years passed, the pain still makes her livid
The memories are vivid
Her terrible experience creates a safe haven for girls
Pushing the past behind her
She confronts violence against women and girls
Like a soldier in a warfare
Joining forces with other women
To eliminate all shapes of violence
Then….her soul will be at peace


Oluwabukola Fagbemi

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