What we do


Gender justice (Central and the core of VSI programming)

Discrimination and violence against women and girls are major causes of poverty all over the world. Ensuring that women and men/boys and girls benefit equally is at the core of all VSI intervention programmes. Gender justice and equality, therefore, underpin all our work and interventions.

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Networks/Exchange Programme/ Youth Outreach

Youth represents developed and ongoing development. They have passion, and determination and constitute half of the world’s population. 

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Participatory Leadership/Political Education Project

VSI’s leadership project draws from many years of partnering and engaging in leadership approaches that are inclusive and horizontal, respecting diversity, enhancing communication skills, everybody’s input and commitment and sharing results and challenges.

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Sexual and reproductive health and rights Project: {Sexual and reproductive health and rights-from a development perspective}

Women and young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights remain the most debated issue including the lack of its inclusion as a development issue

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Education and Research 

Vision Spring Initiative Model school and Crèche project for infants and children (still under construction) provide spaces for young girls and a few boys to ‘unlearn’ gender stereotypes and gain knowledge on gender and roles.

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