- Vision Spring Initiatives partnering with POSITIVE ACTION FOR TREATMENT ACCESS and others visited a total of four (4) health service centres toward ensuring that robust services are provided to service recipients. Some of the services received at the centres visited include: Family planning, HIV Counselling and Testing, Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission, Counselling, TB treatment (DOT). Facilities visited include Onigbongbo LCDA, Oregun LCDA and General Hospital Epe. Some of the successes of the services provided as recorded by our staff include:
- have strong referral system, treat all cases from other smaller units
- Have record of all cases treated and registered monthly, sex and age disaggregated
- Patients attended to timely and in a professional manner
- Provide robust VCT services
- Follow up with patients
- Training beneficiaries are staff of the centre, so sustainability is ensured.
Some of the challenges recorded included the following:
- Lack of drugs; there is constant drug stock out
- Follow up is a challenge, there is high migration of patients
- The protocol and processes before drugs are procured is worrisome
- The current funding does not cover support group.