VSI – Vision Spring Initiatives

Donation for Gender & Leadership Institute

Donate towards Vision Spring Initiatives’ Gender and Leadership Institute

According to Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (2013) report, the national literacy rates for women stood at 54.6 percent compared to 70 percent for males. Enrollment in secondary education for girls stood at 84.9 females to 100 males (Gender in Nigeria Report, 2012). The invasion, killings and kidnapping of girls and women have worsened the condition of girl child education. With the poverty rate in the country presently, many households can no longer pay the exorbitant fees charged by private schools!

Vision Spring Initiatives was duly registered in 2010 with a mandate to support the educational needs of Nigerian youth! We propose a model school which provides space for young girls and boys to ‘unlearn’ gender stereotypes and gain knowledge on gender and roles. While girls learn that they can undertake any role and responsibilities if provided with the knowledge they require, boys learn to respect girls and ultimately become ‘champions’ in challenging stereotypes. This is one VSI’s long term project and we cannot achieve this alone.

We have therefore set up an on-line giving portal to enable us raise funds to build our gender and leadership institute. Part of it will be crèche and nursey facility that will support the education of indigent children from all parts of Nigeria.

We are counting on you as every change will definitely bring about the needed change.

Click here to learn more about this project.

The VSI Team

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